
The Introduction.

   Hi, I'm your 21 year old buddy from Phuntsholing. My life is not so different from the rest of you. Although our trajectories have been different; we've both enjoyed the smooth ride but felt some bumps on the curve, we've both had some good times and times when we've scratched our heads, we've both seen the top of the world and yet also the rock bottom.   At this juncture, I'm a civil engineer, in the making at least. I go to College of Science and Technology and this is my second time studying in the second year because the first time, I thought college was all about booze, babes and memories. Now, I'm sure it is never about babes because all I have are memories of me getting drunk, alone. I am a Southerner( Lhotsampa as they call us in our country) but I was born and raised in the west (Born in Thimphu and raised in Paro). However, after I left Thimphu (with my family), we didn't directly go to Paro but moved east and by the time we got to Paro, I w...